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Jay Bharat Spices Pvt. Ltd.: A Spicy Quandary
作者姓名:Shravan M Parsam, Amol S. Dhaigude, Sidhartha Padhi
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:W25298
出版日期:2021/10/06內容長度:11 頁

Jay Bharat Spices Pvt. Ltd., a company located in Cuttack, India, was involved in the manufacturing and distribution of spices across India under the brand name Bharat Masala. The company specialized in producing basic spices such as turmeric powder, cumin powder, and chili powder. The senior management team had recently noticed a rise in demand for the spice garam masala in the East India market and asked the company’s vice-president of East India .....more

Jay Bharat Spices Pvt. Ltd : A Spicy Quandary - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Shravan M Parsam, Amol S. Dhaigude, Sidhartha Padhi
出版日期:2021/10/06內容長度:24 頁

Teaching note for product W25298.

Jay Bharat Spices Pvt. Ltd : A Spicy Quandary - Student Spreadsheet
作者姓名:Shravan M Parsam, Amol S. Dhaigude, Sidhartha Padhi
出版日期:2021/10/06內容長度:64 頁

Student Spreadsheet to accompany product W25298.

Jay Bharat Spices Pvt. Ltd : A Spicy Quandary - Instructor Spreadsheet
作者姓名:Shravan M Parsam, Amol S. Dhaigude, Sidhartha Padhi
出版日期:2021/10/06內容長度:157 頁

Instructor Spreadsheet to accompany product W25299.